Its beginning to look a lot like a Blue Ball Christmas
So its that time of year again,the pub is looking very warm and festive, we have our annual carols around the piano on the 21st. We will...
Its officially winter, the Steel Bodgers match is on this Wednesday !
As usual we will mark the annual gathering of rugby fans and barbour jackets at Grange Road with the traditional lunch of chilli and beer...

The Independent recommends The Blue Ball
Last year this fine newspaper had the vision and taste to name us in both their best eclectic pub garden and dog friendly pub categories,...

Those nice people at TripAdvisor
A huge thank you to all of our guests and customers who have taken the time to post reviews of The Blue Ball on tripadvisor in the last...
Named as best Authentic pub in England by the Daily Telegraph and Alistair Sawdays.
Very proud and happy to have been recognised in June this year by this prestigious guide to the UK's pubs and The Daily Telegraph, as we...